Succession planning is not just naming the new CEO. In fact, it's not about putting a name behind a title at all. That is called replacement planning. And when it is only used during times of crisis - when a company must name somebody to fill a vacant role quickly - that’s not succession planning either. That is crisis management!
Therefore, best-practice organizations utilize succession planning to not only prepare for potential leadership challenges, but also to rely on such plans to develop and maintain the strong leadership that is required to grow and keep pace with changes in their business, industry, and overall marketplace. Succession planning will continue to become more integrated into the everyday life of organizations, moving from a formal ‘annual event’ to become a part of the daily fabric of doing business.
Realize that all organizations are only as strong as their leaders. High performing organizations make leadership development, at all levels, a top priority. So how does your organization shape up? Which of the top best practices are being used in your organization to develop leaders? Which of these practices should you consider adopting to develop your future leaders?
This webinar will cover these key areas for effective succession planning.
Who should attend?
Why should you attend?
So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?
The reason is that the pandemic and post-pandemic years have created massive challenges for every organization- big and small. Therefore, effective leadership, at all levels, will be more crucial than ever to thrive in this shifting political, economic, demographic and social environment.
The goal of succession planning is to continuously identify and develop high-performers capable of meeting the present and future needs of your team, department, or business.
Through the real-world succession planning process outlined in this webinar, you then can recruit superior employees, develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and prepare them for advancement into ever more challenging roles. This will guarantee that you have a strong leadership bench strength on hand to quickly fill new or vacated role as well as deal with the unexpected challenges that can occur during these changing times.
What you'll learn?
The focus of this webinar is to learn how to integrate the best practices of succession planning into your organization and will cover the following objectives.
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