Navigating the World of Special Education Laws

Hope N. Kirsch
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


This presentation, by a nationally recognized special education attorney, will help school personnel as well as parents and guardians to understand the laws governing the education of students with disabilities and be prepared for school meetings.  Families will better understand how best to advocate for their children, and schools will understand their legal obligations.

Learn the differences between IEPs, 504s, Title II, and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the advantages and benefits of each, as well as the limitations of each, and how to work together to avoid disputes, and resolve disputes that cannot be avoided.

Learning Objectives:-

  • Understand the different legal obligations schools have under each of the laws pertaining to students with disabilities;
  • Learn the advantages and benefits of each law and limitations;
  • Learn the options for dispute resolution available under each law.

Areas Covered:-

  • The history of disability laws
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II and Title III
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  • Dispute resolution options of each law


Understanding the laws governing the education of students with disabilities can be daunting for schools and parents alike. This seminar will walk you through an overview of the different laws, including the differences among them, why different laws apply to different students, and how students with disabilities may or may not be “eligible” under each law.

Why Should You Attend?

To gain a better understanding of the educational rights under federal laws of students with disabilities, and the legally mandated rights of schools to educate eligible students with disabilities. Learn the differences in the various laws, and which apply to public schools, including charter schools, and the limited rights of students in private schools. Learn the procedures for identification, evaluation, and placement, what to do when something goes wrong, and how to prevent things from going wrong in the first place.

This presentation will better inform parents and guardians of their rights the procedures, and the rights of their children, and this presentation will better inform school personnel of the legal mandates that apply to schools. You will be provided an overview of special education laws, and better understand the differences between 504s and IEPs, and Title II and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Who will Benefit?

  • School Administrators
  • School Governing Board Members
  • School Counselors & Psychologists
  • Teachers
  • School Attorneys
  • Parent Attorneys
  • Education Advocates & Consultants
  • Parents and Legal Guardians
  • Community-Based Disability and Educational Organizations

Training Options

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Transcript (Pdf)



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