The PECOS 2.0 site will significantly change how you enroll and validate your Medicare providers. You can access a sneak peek of the new system that will help you get ahead of the PECOS 2.0 launch and ensure that your providers continue to get paid for the care they provide to Medicare patients.
Enrollment, and credentialing expert Yesenia Servin, CPMSM, PESC, will take you inside the Medicare PECOS 2.0 system with an inside look at the new enrollment and validation process you must master. Yesenia will provide actual screenshots within the new site so you can be better prepared for the launch later this year, and make sure your Medicare reimbursements keep flowing.
Here are just a few of the practical, must-have Medicare PECOS 2.0 usage tactics you’ll receive by attending this expert-led online training:
If your practice bills Medicare, this upcoming online training is for you.
IMPORTANT: Medicare PECOS 2.0 has also modified how sole proprietors add locations, how large practices in several states or with multiple locations add and validate providers, the process for board members or managers to manage the enrollment and validation process, and much more.
CMS is requiring you to master this Medicare PECOS 2.0 system in order to get paid for the services you provide to their patients. It is your only option. So, don’t wait to register; PECOS 2.0 will go into effect soon.
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