Internal Controls in Accounts Payable

Richard Cascarino
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


This webinar will equip attendees with an understanding of the components of Accounts Payable and the internal controls required within the acquisition process.

Who should attend?

  • Internal Auditors
  • Financial Managers
  • Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  • Operational Managers

Why should you attend?

Increasingly, Regulators look for evidence that the company reviews its own processes and controls to ensure that, for example:

  • Policies and procedures are actually being followed by operational staff
  • Processes are not “shelfware” (i.e., the policy exists but “never comes off the shelf”)
  • A strong risk management function has not deteriorated into ineffectiveness
  • There is clear ownership and accountability for compliance throughout the supply chain

What you'll learn?

  • Where Accounts Payable Come From
  • General Controls over Acquisitions
  • Processing checks Best Procedure
  • Vendor Allowances
  • Accounts Payable Fraud Red Flags

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Transcript (Pdf)


Recording & DVD

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