Change is uncertain, stressful, and fraught with risk. Additionally, the people who have the least say in change initiatives are the ones most impacted by it. If done improperly, change can result in painful and long-term harmful consequences for both employees and the organization.
What causes so many change initiatives to fail or falter? Resistance to change is a leading factor in the demise of many change efforts. But why do people resist change? And how do you overcome resistance to change?
Change is complex; however, this webinar provides powerful strategies that help minimize resistance and optimize success for both employees and the organization.
Areas Covered:-
Why You Should Attend:-
Managing change can be very challenging for organizations, change leaders, and those responsible for carrying out the change. Many change initiatives falter or fail, largely due to resistance.
This webinar will help participants understand how change impacts people, and why people resist change. They will also learn five powerful strategies for minimizing resistance and increasing engagement, and how to create and sustain a culture of change in their organization. The webinar will help organizations and leaders to be more strategic and successful with change efforts. The strategies included in the webinar will also benefit the people most impacted by the change.
Who Will Benefit:-
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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