Understanding Overtime

Cynthia Keaton
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is federal legislation that determines which employees are entitled to overtime. It also covers minimum wage, recordkeeping, and child labor. It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether a position is entitled to overtime. There are white-collar exemptions, administrative exemptions, and several other categories of positions that are automatically exempt, but there can still be confusion on which of these positions the exemption applies to.

Understanding Overtime will explain the current FLSA as well as review the changes that have now been proposed to this legislation. If the changes are adopted, there will be a major shift in which positions are eligible for overtime. There will be a much higher salary threshold to be considered a salaried (exempt) employee. This could have major cost implications for companies. This class will review how you can approach the decision on whether to change an employee’s exemption status and how to evaluate the cost of making these changes.

Areas Covered:-

  • What is the Fair Labor Standards Act and what are the different exemption categories?
  • How do I determine which positions are exempt from the FLSA?
  • What are the changes that are proposed to the FLSA and how could this affect my company?
  • What is the best way to determine if an employee should be exempt now and if the proposed revisions are adopted? 
  • How to calculate overtime for nonexempt employees who receive nondiscretionary bonuses or commissions.
  • Which benefits are excluded from the regular rate of pay for calculating overtime?

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Transcript (Pdf)



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