This webinar describes the validation planning process with particular emphasis on avoiding six common pitfalls. Increased use of software from automated manufacturing and quality systems means increased exposure. Most recalls can be traced back to computerized equipment, exposing the validation process to scrutiny. Corporate uncertainty leads to inaction and “wheel spinning.” Many companies struggle with understanding how to avoid major mistakes when validating software to FDA standards.
This webinar covers the fundamentals of 21 CFR Part 11, software validation, and computer system validation. It provides details for company compliance including GAMP, qualification, and validation. It teaches the Part 11 industry standards for SOPs, security, data transfer, audit trails, and electronic signatures. The webinar details the common problems and how to avoid them.
Learning Objectives:-
Why Should You Attend:-
Avoid the 6 most common problems associated with Part 11 and Annex 11 compliance. Learn how to efficiently create the specific documents required to implement data integrity requirements.
Who Will Benefit:-
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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