One must understand the reasonable accommodation process in order to follow HUD’s ruling on animals. HUD is very specific on the questions you can ask as well as the time frame for your response to the accommodation request.
Learning Objectives:-
This is a ‘real world” course. It will have many examples and teach you how to handle these.
Areas Covered:-
One must understand the requirements to be followed concerning service and assistance animals. HUD has come out with new rulings on determining the need for service and assistance animals. We will discuss the topic in detail so that you will be in compliance with the HUD rulings.
Why Should You Attend?
This is a “hot topic” with landlords having many questions concerning reasonable accommodation. Such things as verification of disability, what type of animal, etc.
Many of these basic questions will be answered in this seminar.
Who will Benefit:-
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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