This session will examine the growth of active shooter situations, review the factors that should be understood in factors found that contribute to the healthcare setting being a potential target, and how to mitigate the risk and in the worst-case scenario respond in the most effective manner.
The first section of the session will identify and review a wide array of preventive strategies and tactics that could help reduce the likelihood of an occurrence. This will include both identified threats that are directed at a specific target (person or department) as well as threats to the general healthcare setting.
Mitigating aspects that will be covered include:
The second portion of the session will focus on the importance of well-defined training components that support all aspects of the program. This will include identifying the specific response program, training methods, and delivery methods to ensure each caregiver is familiar with everything they need to do in recognizing and reporting situations, following all directives during a real situation, how those tasked with assessing, monitoring, and documenting activities and their respective roles in debriefing all drills and actual situations.
In the third part of the session, we will review the importance of a strong communication plan to support active shooter prevention and real-time response to an actual event. Like the training component, the importance of establishing a regular cadence to ensure that the program is not a “one and done, but rather all information needed by caregivers is kept front of mind for the maximum potential of success in both preventing and responding to these situations.
The fourth component will identify resources that should be incorporated by any organization developing an active shooter prevention program. These will include a quick review of Standards and Guidelines developed and published by both ASIS International and IAHSS (International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety). Time will be allotted at the end for a Q and A component.
Learning Objectives:-
Areas Covered in the Session:-
Who will Benefit:-
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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