This webinar concentrates on preparing the department for the new tax changes for 2024. Topics include the IRS's new limits on pension plans, updates to forms W-2, W-4, and 941, discussion of new or pending federal legislation and state updates including new rates for benefits, and changes to minimum wage and SUI wage bases.
Ringing the new year for payroll professionals can be a hectic time. Finishing out the old year while ensuring the new year is off to a good start compliance-wise can be a delicate balancing act fraught with missteps if you don’t have all the information you need. In this webinar, we will give the latest tax news for 2024 to help your payroll department transition from tax year 2023 to tax year 2024. We will cover how all the latest tax news available including any new legislation affecting payroll in 2024.
Focusing first on the IRS, we will discuss the updates to inflation-based items such as the new pension plan limits and transportation fringe benefits. We will review the 2024 IRS forms including forms W-2, W-4, and 941.
Moving on to the states we will cover the updates to minimum wages, unemployment insurance wage bases, and sick leave updates.
We will also cover any late-breaking legislation/regulation changes coming out of Washington.
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