New Guidelines from the EEOC in Handling Harassment Claims 2024

U. Harold Levy
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


According to the EEOC, harassment continues to be a massive problem in the workplace.  TTo clarify confusion about when employers should be held liable for workplace harassment, the EEOC recently issued new guidance.  The guidance addresses so much more than the run-of-the-mill sexual harassment claims – it includes racial harassment, sexual orientation harassment, and so much more!  For the first time, the EEOC also gave us an in-depth discussion of what it looks for in its harassment policies and training programs. 

Learning Objectives:-

  • Understanding the EEOC’s approach regarding employer liability for quid pro quo harassment and hostile working environments – who does the EEOC consider as a supervisor?
  • Defining quid pro quo harassment
  • Defining a hostile working environment
  • Employer obligations when the alleged harasser is a customer

Areas Covered:-

  • Defining when an employee has engaged in protected activity
  • New EEOC approach to retaliation claims
  • Tips for conducting a proper investigation
  • What the EEOC wants to see in your policies and harassment training
  • Adequate documentation of a harassment investigation

Why Should You Attend:-

How an employer handles a harassment claim can make all the difference in avoiding a lawsuit.  It also makes all the difference in whether your company will be held liable for someone’s harassment of your employee.  Employees are becoming more aware of their rights and are not shy about using the term “harassment.”  The EEOC will also examine your investigation to determine whether you took that claim seriously and how you responded.  This session will guide you through what the EEOC will expect when analyzing your investigation. 

Who Should Attend:-

  • Human Resource professionals
  • Risks managers
  • Human resource generalists

Training Options

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Congrats Conference Added In Wish-list.


Transcript (Pdf)



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