How to Prepare for an I-9 Audit and Stay in Compliance

Lauren Sobaski
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


Every employer is required to maintain a complete and accurate I-9 Record for any and all employees working for the organization hired after November 1986.  USCIS and ICE are increasingly targeting employers to gain access to individuals who may be working in the United States without proper documentation.  Without diligent efforts and strict compliance policies, employers can open themselves up to large monetary fines, extensive government oversight, and even criminal penalties.  Join Fisher Phillips attorney Lauren Sobaski as she details the potential pitfalls and potential liability associated with the I-9 Form and how to ensure your organization is in compliance with the current policies.

Learning Objectives:-

  • How to properly complete the I-9    
  • Common Mistakes and how to avoid them    
  • Retention Requirements    
  • Preparing for a government audit   
  • Potential liability if deficiencies are identified.

Training Options

Error Conference Exists In Wish-list.

Congrats Conference Added In Wish-list.


Transcript (Pdf)



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