FDA FSMA Rules on Food Traceability

Dr. John Ryan
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


This 60-minute webinar will cover the proposed FDA traceability requirements and techniques useful in the event of quality deviation investigations and potential FDA Recalls.

A variety of technologies at various price levels that are used for tracking and recall will also be covered to set the food industry stage for a more solid entry into artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IOT)

An integrated food safety system model that uses traceability, food safety, and recall data will be presented to demonstrate how computer technology can be used to reduce the time to recall products and reduce the impact on human health. The model is based on the FDA FSMA concept for risk reduction and uses predictive modeling to point investigators in the right direction in the minimum time.

We will discuss this mega-trend setter that has been creeping up for the past several years.

At the end of this webinar, the speaker will handle your specific questions related to the topic.

Learning Objectives:-

  • FDA Traceability Rule Components
  • Know your requirements
  • Review and know your options
  • What you must do to comply

Areas Covered:-

  • FDA Traceability Rules
  • Industry capabilities to respond to the rules
  • Blockchain
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Self-reporting, Trade and Consumer and Classes of Recalls
  • Product and Process Vicarious Liability
  • Traceability standards, controls, and practices
  • Overlooked transportation issues
  • ISO 22005 traceability standards
  • Current trends and common issues.
  • Lot Identification at the case, pallet, and container levels
  • Recall Classifications


Get ready folks!  Not everything is COVID. The FDA has not died nor gone to sleep and has a future-looking set of traceability rules after avoiding the issue for a couple of decades. Frank Yiannis (previously WalMart), the deputy commissioner for food policy and response is alive and ticking.

Why Should You Attend:-

You cannot afford to miss this topic:  It is disruptive.  Now is your chance to provide input to these proposed rules.

The rules are in the “proposal” state meaning you can provide input prior to the final rule (law) publication. 

This is a game changer that shows where the FDA is going with regard to a more comprehensive electronic style of supply chain traceability system positioned to more comprehensively bring massive amounts of food safety data into a more future-looking integrated food safety system.

This session will cover the proposed rules including the purpose, who is covered, who is exempt, recordkeeping requirements, core rule components, key data elements (KDEs), costs and public health benefits, records to be kept, and, most importantly, a Fook Traceability List covering the produce, fruit, and fish.

Who Should Attend:-

  • Upper and Mid-level personnel from all registered food operations
  • Food safety team members
  • Food quality personnel
  • Managers and supervisors in food operations
  • Sanitation specialists and teams
  • Food packing, processing, distribution, and handling personnel
  • Food ingredient suppliers
  • Legal team members focused on food safety
  • Food safety leads and implementation team members
  • Maintenance operations personnel
  • Food facility personnel
  • Food importers whose food will be consumed in the U.S.
  • Food security personnel
  • Recall specialists
  • US Food Importers and Exporters to the US
  • Food Safety internal and external auditors and audit team members
  • Shipper Supervisor and Managers
  • Drivers
  • Distribution center operations personnel
  • Carrier and food transportation management

Training Options

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Transcript (Pdf)



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