Despite misinformation peddled on the Internet, HIPAA Covered Entities (Health Care Providers and Health Plans) can use unencrypted email and text messaging to communicate with the individuals they serve. In fact, if individuals prefer unencrypted emails and texts, Covered Entities must agree.
Covered Entities only need to know and carefully follow a simple “3 Step Safeguard” to avoid violating HIPAA administered by the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the TCPA administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) also has a simple text messaging rule that is easy to follow but often overlooked.
The same rules apply to HIPAA Business Associates who email or text PHI on behalf of a Covered Entity.
This webinar explains the rules clearly and captures your attention with multimedia and moving graphics.
You will see exactly what to do and real-life examples of what not to do displayed on the websites of major, highly respected Health Care Providers.
The key takeaway is how Covered Entities can protect themselves from email and text message HIPAA/TCPA violations – how easy it is to do that.
Areas Covered:-
Why Should You Attend:-
Attend this webinar to learn how to comply with HIPAA, TCPA, and CMS Rules for PHI in emails and text messages.
You will see how to use and document the “3 Step Safeguard” to protect your organization. And you will learn when emails and text messages with PHI must be encrypted.
Who Will Benefit:-
Vendors and Business Associates
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