This is a “real world” course that covers everyday issues when a tenant breaks the rules. The major problem comes when a tenant is late on paying rent. How do you handle that, so it won’t happen again? What about holdover tenants? What to do if a tenant damages the property. What to do? These and other topics will be covered.
Learning Objectives:-
This is a ‘real world” course. It will have many examples and teach you how to handle these.
Areas Covered:-
All of these problems are a daily occurrence at most properties. This seminar will give you fresh ideas to deal with the issues and the residents involved. You will learn to not run afoul of fair housing issues when dealing with these situations. We will cover all matters of actual lease violations and what can be done to enforce any violations that may occur. Covered are the most common lease violations, and how to effectively communicate to the tenants when they do violate the lease or house rules. Also, how best to document the type of infractions and what is needed for an eviction? Consideration is also given to the resident files and what policies and procedures must be in place to satisfy HUD’s requirements.
Why Should You Attend?
You will never find the perfect tenant. There are many occasions where a tenant has broken a rule. How you handle this tenant violation makes the difference as to whether you are able to keep a good relationship or whether you must ultimately resort to an eviction. We will go over strategies to handle these situations.
Who will Benefit?
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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