CA Wage and Hour Law - Update 2023

Mark Schwartz
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


The state of California has been administered under a Democratic “super-majority” for many years. Legislation in these states often grants worker wages, rights, and protections far above Federally established minimums. In many respects, California imposes restrictions and mandates on employers that are not only expensive to comply with, but expose them to potential HR-related lawsuits.

    Areas Covered in the Session:-

    In addition to the new laws, we will review all ramifications thereof, and review the following areas of Wage and Hour compliance:

    • Minimum Wage: New rates for 2023 and beyond for both state and locals
    • Wage orders: How to determine which of the 17 wage orders applies to your company
    • Overtime: CA has daily and weekly overtime and daily and weekly double time. Learn how to determine when it’s straight-time, overtime, or double-time
    • Alternative workweeks: Are your employees eligible to have alternative workweeks and are employers required to offer them?
    • New overtime rules for agricultural workers
    • How do credits for meals and lodging or tips affect the current minimum wage?
    • Reporting or show-up pay: does the employer owe wages to any employee for just showing up to work? Even if there is no work to be performed?
    • Split shifts: Is there a monetary requirement to pay the employee extra if they work a split shift?
    • Rules for compensating piece workers
    • What are the requirements for posters and payday notices?
    • What must be included in the employee's pay stub and what must be excluded?
    • What notices are required to be given to employees upon hire or if they are laid off or terminated? What if they go on leave of absence?
    • How often must employees be paid in CA? Does it apply to all categories of employees?
    • What methods are permitted to pay employees? Are there rules for direct deposit? Can employees be paid by payroll debit card?
    • What are the rules for paying out the final paycheck if an employee is terminated?
    • Are meal and rest periods required or left up to the employer's policies? If required what are the penalties if the employee does not receive his or her meal or rest period
    • Recordkeeping requirements include required timecard punches
    • Mandatory Sick Leave Law

    Why You Should Attend:-

    The responsibility to implement and notify employers of many laws lies with the California Dept of Industrial Relations. Employers need to review new laws every year, modify their operations as directed, and review the wider aspects of employment law they affect. So join Mark Schwartz for the 2023 Wage and Hour laws version of this webinar. Learn what assembly bills have affected these areas:

    • Minimum Wage
    • Agricultural Workers
    • Overtime
    • Garment Workers
    • Covid-19-related laid-off workers

    Who Will Benefit:-

    • Budgeting Personnel
    • Payroll Personnel and Management
    • HR Managers
    • Department Managers and Budget Personnel
    • Timekeepers
    • Financial Dept Personnel

    Training Options

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    Transcript (Pdf)



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