Day - 1 - 2025 Physical Therapy Updates
Time - 01:00 PM ET
Speaker - Lynn M. Anderanin
The webinar will discuss the updates for 2025 for physical and occupational therapy. While there were not code changes, the 2025 CMS Fee Schedule Final Rule had several topics of discussion and acceptance by CMS. There are also the usual changes to the annual threshold and reminders about the differences there could be between insurance companies and the way they address the times for therapy services. There was also a request of several therapy codes to be reviewed by the American Medical Association Relative Unit Committee in misvalued codes. We will review changes to supervision of PTAs and OTAs as well as therapists in private practice.
Webinar Objectives
It is the responsibility of the practices and staff to know and understand new rules and regulations. Therapy has been under some auditing scrutiny by some insurance companies over the past several years. To avoid making mistakes, this session will get right to the updates so that you can implement them in your practice when they are valid on January 1st. There are on grace periods, so following these guidelines are crucial on January 1st.
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Day - 2 - 2025 CPT Code Changes: What You Need to Know
Time - 01:00 PM ET
Speaker - Jill M. Young
Each year, the American Medical Association (AMA) releases new Category I CPT codes for the upcoming year. These codes are formally presented to the coding industry at a Symposium meeting in November. Lectures are given by industry experts in their respective specialty at this meeting for both the clinical and billing implications of the new or revised codes. For 2025 there are 420 different changes to the codes. This includes 270 new codes and 112 deletions. There are also 38 code revisions.
As we have seen in past, many temporary Category III codes are being created. These are the codes that have no assigned RVU value and are considered temporary. Providers and coders need to review a list of these unique new codes each year to familiarize themselves with their existence so they can assign them as needed.
All this valuable information and more is presented by industry expert Jill Young who attends the meeting to hear firsthand the information and put it into a succinct, fast paced lecture to provide you and you practice all the information it needs to be prepared for 2025.
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Although there are new areas of medicine with proprietary laboratory analyses assigned to the largest proportion of new codes (37%), other new codes for telemedicine are a part of the changes for 2025. Additionally, editorial revisions to Remote Therapeutic Monitoring and Digital Medicine will be presented.
Webinar Agenda
Codes in the CPT book is organized in numerical order – this presentation will start at the beginning of the book and discuss major changes, revisions and new codes on a step by step walk through the entire CPT book, ending with Category III codes.
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Day - 3 - 2025 CPT Updates for Pain Management
Pre-recorded Webinar
It’s that time of the year again – CPT Coding Update Season! Pain Management coding and billing rules can be confusing and tedious to understand. Pain Management specialists play a major role in the diagnosis and management of many common medical conditions. It is imperative that proper coding and billing practices be followed to ensure your organization receives appropriate reimbursement and maintains compliance with healthcare regulatory requirements. In this webinar, we take a deeper dive into the 2025 pain management coding and billing updates, discuss the proper application of the 2025 code set for pain management, clinical documentation requirements for pain management services, and common pain management clinical documentation scenarios to code and bill for to gain real-world insights and context for the pain management billing and coding rules.
Webinar Objectives
By understanding and correctly coding for pain management services, providers can accurately represent the services they rendered, facilitate data collection and research, and support quality improvement and research efforts. Ongoing education and adherence to the regulatory requirements are crucial for maintaining accurate and compliant pain management billing processes.
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Day - 4 - Non Physician Practitioner Updates for 2025 – What NP’s and PA’s need to know for 2025
Pre-recorded Webinar
In this so timely and most updated webinar, Our Speaker Jill M. Young will discuss the situations listed by CMS where direct supervision has been permanently defined allowing use of audio/video real time communications. Also, detailed information will be provided on the use of Audio/Video supervision for year 2025 & 2026. Clarification will be provided about supervision of residents by Non-physician practitioners. Speaker will also disclose what comments were made at AMA 2025 RBRVS symposium regarding prescription drug management & situations where "Direct Supervision" can be used temporarily as per CMS.
Looking forward to the new year Non-Physician Practitioners, Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners, need to look at any changes to the rules for their practice’s insurances. CMS/Medicare publish their policies in the manuals posted on their website. Other insurances policies and procedures need to be checked for adherence with CMS/Medicare’s or discover what nuances they may have. There are several methods for billing for Non-Physician Practitioner services that are different than CMS/Medicare’s rules.
It is imperative that all parties involved understand what each of these methods are and how the guidelines affect how the practice utilizes, documents and bills for the services of them.
Changes to CPT guidelines matched with CMS/Medicare’s significant changes for split shared visits in 2024 have caused significant changes in practice’s workflow. If your practice did not make changes to reflect these changes, you may not be using proper documentation, your billing for services may be incorrect.
Changes the AMA has identified for 2025 will be presented as well. This timely conference will help you ensure that your practice can have compliant documentation, coding and billing of these provider’s services.
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Day - 5 - 2025 OIG Audit Targets
Pre-recorded Webinar
Healthcare is a multi-trillion-dollar industry that remains highly regulated. When organizations bill for services, they are reimbursed on a good-faith basis with the expectation that clinical documentation supports the services reported and regulatory compliance has been met. Every year the OIG releases their respective work plan which highlights areas and services that represent high priority audit targets during the upcoming year. Each year the OIG releases their respective work plan which highlights areas and services that represent high priority audit targets during the upcoming fiscal year and release monthly updates to the work plan. It is imperative for organizations to stay diligent and apprised of these compliance initiatives and be especially proactive in their compliance efforts, conduct regular audits of processes and clinical documentation, and comply with the mandatory self-reporting requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act.
In this webinar our expert speaker will discuss the key governing authorities involved in healthcare compliance in 2025, pathways involved in audits and investigations, review the OIG work plan with most recent updates, spotlight current audit trends and audit targets in 2025, identify relevant action protocols, discuss examples of the latest OIG advisory opinions, identify elements of an effective compliance plan based on recent updates, and discuss actionable best practice tips to set you up for success in 2025 and beyond.
Webinar Objectives
This session will cover the key governing authorities involved in healthcare compliance, dissect various pathways involved in audits and investigations, review the OIG 2025 work plan, spotlight 2025 audit trends and audit targets, identify relevant action protocols, discuss recent OIG advisory opinions, identify elements of an effective compliance plan, and discuss actionable best practice tips for success in 2025.
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Day - 6 - The Future of Telehealth: 2025 Changes
Pre-recorded Webinar
Telehealth completely changed in 2020 when the Public Health Emergency was put into effect. Now in 2024, many of those temporary changes are expiring and the telehealth business has exploded. These methods of communication between provider and patient are loved by many, and the convenience of telehealth in healthcare has become a common occurrence.
This webinar will be reviewing the current parts of telehealth that are being considered permanent in the 2025 Physicians Fee Schedule Final Rule and the new evaluation and management services that are new codes for CPT in 2025 related to telehealth. We will find out what the do’s and don’ts of telehealth that are here to stay, as well as implementing these new codes and regulations into your practice.
Webinar Objectives
These new rules and codes are important to any one currently offering telehealth as well all who are considering it to add it to their practice in order to be compliant and maximize reimbursement for the services performed.
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