Payroll departments receive and submit hundreds of thousands of bits of data each and every year. Employee master file data such as name and social security number, employee forms such as the Form W-4, reports to the IRS such as Form 941, state unemployment insurance quarterly returns, termination dates for employees, and even child support withholding orders.
A critical question that every payroll professional must ask and more importantly answer is “What am I required to keep, in what format, and for how long”? That is what this webinar will discuss. We will focus on the details at the federal level for the major laws including the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Internal Revenue Code, and Child Support Enforcement. We will discuss how long records must be kept and in what format. We will review the records needed when a merger or acquisition has taken place and whether or not Sarbanes-Oxley is still relevant when it comes to record keeping. We will also review how to keep the data secure to ensure that what is retained is safe and intact when and if it is ever requested.
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Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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